Friday, December 4, 2015

Busy Can Impact Your Life

I don't know who they are but they say that when life gets busy your health, habits and priorities are impacted. Since my last post on November 24, all of the above is true for me. Whats different is my health (unlike in the past) continued on path to optimal health and eating habits but my obligation to our project suffered. I have still been using the dishes and have now become a norm for me and tracking my portion and health during the project. As we move to the end of "PHASE 1" of the project I am excited for what I have learned and been able to share. These next three days as we move towards our final project meal I will have ideas, recipes, meals, and things we can do to continue developing amazing habits. These are a sampling of my meals from the past week (some you will notice look familiar because they were GOOD! 😁 Chicken Avacado Nachos; Turkey Bacon and Gluten Free Biscuts and Gravy; Oatmeal; Spinach and Avacado Quesdillia ((More to come!)

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