Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 3: November 12 - Coffee & Water

I am slightly dependent on the effects of coffee in the morning. I have been really good this week and I had my first cup of coffee this morning. I surpassed the 8oz mark and settled for 12oz. Then after I sat down at my computer I thought, I don't even know what the correct serving size of coffee is! So I looked it up: The industry standard for a cup is six ounces, but most people super-size their coffee to at least 16 oz! 

That is crazy. I don't think I can give up caffeine in the morning but I do have 2 new goals:
1. Only have 6-8oz of coffee. 
2. Try to drink more tea instead. I LOVE tea, but never have the time or patience to make it at the office.

Also, this photo is of our awesome ion water filter at work! It can pour cold or hot water and I love love love it. I realized with this cup that I drink way more than the 8x8 rule of water. That is one thing I am doing correctly, and I am happy that this project has highlighted one thing.

I also got to enjoy a lovely dinner that consisted of leftovers with Lauren, from our dinner on Tuesday. She should be posting that photo! 

1 comment:

  1. I need to know where this filtered hot water machine is :) Come get tea from me anytime!
