Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 1: November 10 - First Dinner

You know you are excited about a project when you go to sleep thinking about it, and wake up excited because it's starting!
November 10, 2015 - project Portion Plates. The start of a new journey.
I get up to Omaha and get to meet Lauren in her creative environment - the Bemis in Omaha, NE.
It is a phenomenal space and the table setting is stunning.
We are finally able to see the unique, beautiful pottery dishes that Lauren and her interns have created and dinner smells amazing!
It was so good to be able to share, to laugh, and enjoy such fantastic food on our new dishes.
Learning about the locally sourced food, new ways to prepare it and discuss ways we can do the same on our own.
 Green beans with candied walnuts
Brisket with vegetables over mashed root veggies with edible flowers
 Kale Caesar - blown away by her transition of the Kale here
 My meal dished up on my set of dishes

Such an incredibly decadent finish - homemade thyme ice cream and rhubarb pie.

The meal fellowship of the evening left me feeling not only full physically, but my bucket was brimming. We are starting something here. It will be life changing.

This project is so much more than portions. It's slowing down, enjoying the ritual of our meals again and eating to nourish ourselves. No more eating to satisfy emotional needs, not taking family dinners for granted, and creating routine and traditions to continue on our life journeys.

For me - this is #morethanportions

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Amy, you are awesome! I enjoyed getting to know you all a bit better and growing our community. This is about much more than portions and I'm glad you already feel that!
